MAT 477 Template
University of Toronto
Sidst opdateret
5 år siden
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Template for Written Assignments for MAT 477 (Fall 2019)
Template for Written Assignments for MAT 477 (Fall 2019)
\documentclass[10pt]{amsart} %fontsize, article stylte
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\setlength{\parskip}{1em} %lineskips after paragraph breaks
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%Example of a user-made command
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%Beginning of Document Information
\title{Written Summary \#?}
\author{A MAT 477 Student}
\maketitle %making the title show in the document
{\bf Presentation Date:} September 5, 2019 \\
{\bf Presentation Title:} Overview\\
{\bf Speaker:} Ila Varma
\section*{Summary} % '*' suppresses the numbering
The main goal of this lecture was to summarize the presentations for the semester. We begin with Gauss composition of binary quadratic forms as described in \cite{Seguin}.
A {\em binary quadratic form} $f(x,y)$ over a ring $R$ is a homogeneous polynomial of degree two in two variables. In other words, $f(x,y)$ is a binary quadratic form if and only if
$$f(x,y) = ax^2 + bxy + cy^2$$ % equation display
where $a,b,c \in R$.
There is a natural action of $\GL_2(\mathbb{Z})$ on the space of binary quadratic forms over $\mathbb{Z}$...
\begin{thebibliography}{12}%Quick Bibliography
M.\ Bhargava, ``Higher composition laws I: A new view on Gauss composition and quadratic generalizations,'' {\it Ann.\ of Math.} {\bf 159} (2004), no.\ 1, 217--250.
%M.\ Bhargava and I.\ Varma, ``The mean number of 3-torsion elements in the class groups and ideal groups of quadratic orders,'' {\it Proc. of the London Math Soc.} {\bf 112} (2016), no.\ 2, 235--266.
F.\ Seguin, ``Composition of binary quadratic forms: understanding the approaches of Gauss, Dirichlet, and Bhargava,'' to appear in {\it Resonance Journal}.