Leckture Template
Bogdan Dumitrescu
Sidst opdateret:
3 år siden
LaTeX Project Public License 1.3c
Template for Lekturekarte
Opdag hvorfor 18 millioner mennesker verden rundt stoler på Overleaf med deres arbejde.
Opdag hvorfor 18 millioner mennesker verden rundt stoler på Overleaf med deres arbejde.
\usepackage{xstring, xifthen}
% --------------------------------------------------
% some tex-live fonts - choose your own
% \usepackage[default]{comfortaa}
% \usepackage[default]{raleway}
% \usepackage{bera}
% \usepackage[default]{gillius}
% \usepackage[charter]{mathdesign}
% \def\rmdefault{bch} % not scaled
% \def\ttdefault{blg}
% set font default
% \usepackage{Staaliches}
\setmonofont{Bitstream Vera Sans Mono}
[Extension = .ttf]
[Extension = .ttf]
% ---
% more font size definitions
% --------------------------------------------------
% page outer frames (debug-only)
% \usepackage{showframe}
% we use paracol to display breakable two columns
% define page styles using geometry
% remove all possible margins
\geometry{top=1cm, bottom=1cm, left=1cm, right=1cm}
% space between header and content
% \setlength{\headheight}{0pt}
% indentation is zero
% --------------------------------------------------
% extended aligning of tabular cells
% custom column right-align with fixed width
% use like p{size} but via x{size}
% --------------------------------------------------
%for header image
% use this for floating figures
% \usepackage{wrapfig}
% \usepackage{float}
% \floatstyle{boxed}
% \restylefloat{figure}
%for drawing graphics
\usetikzlibrary{shapes, backgrounds,mindmap, trees}
% --------------------------------------------------
% primary color
\definecolor{maincol}{RGB}{ 45, 50, 90 }
% accent color, secondary
% \definecolor{accentcol}{RGB}{ 250, 150, 10 }
% dark color
\definecolor{darkcol}{RGB}{ 70, 70, 70 }
% light color
% Package for links, must be the last package used
% returns minipage width minus two times \fboxsep
% to keep padding included in width calculations
% can also be used for other boxes / environments
\rlap{#1} \hfill \llap{#2}
% --------------------------------------------------
\textbf{\fontsize{30pt}{36pt}\selectfont\bfseries\sta \@title}
{\huge \vspace{10pt} \textcolor{darkcol}{\@subtitle}}
{\Large \vspace{10pt} \textcolor{darkcol}{\@author, \today}}
\textcolor{darkcol}{\texttt{\huge\bfseries Lesekarte \\ \vspace{5pt} #1}}
% --------------------------------------------------
\title{Leckture Template}
\subtitle{Lecture Subtitle}
\beam[This is the first info box]{}
First info box content.
\beam[This is the second info box]{1999}
Second info box contains optional info (eg. year).
This is an introduction.
\section{First Section}
This is the first section.
\subsection{First Subsection}
This is the first subsection.
\subsection{Second Subsection}
This is the second subsection.
\section{Second Section}
This is the first section.
\subsection{Third Subsection}
This is the third subsection.
\subsection{Fourth Subsection}
This is the fourth subsection.