LangSci skeleton for edited volumes 2023-01
Sebastian Nordhoff, Felix Kopecky
Sidst opdateret
2 år siden
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
A skeleton for edited volumes to be published with Language Science Press
%%% Language Science Press Master File %%%
%%% edited volumes %%%
%%% follow the instructions below %%%
% Everything following a % is ignored
% Some lines start with %. Remove the % to include them
,colorlinks, citecolor=brown
% ,draft
% put all additional commands you need in the
% following files. If you do not know what this might
% mean, you can safely ignore this section
%%% Frontmatter %%%
% %% uncomment if you have preface and/or acknowledgements
\currentpdfbookmark{Contents}{name} % adds a PDF bookmark
%% sections without authors
%%% Chapters %%%
\includepaper{chapters/01} %add a percentage sign in front of the line to exclude this chapter from book
% copy the lines above and adapt as necessary
%%% Backmatter %%%
% There is normally no need to change the backmatter section