%This template was prepared by Dorothea F. Brosius of the
%Institute for Electronics and Applied Physics, University of Maryland, College Park, MD
%The template was last updated in March 2013
%Thesis Main Page used with thesis.sty based on the
%University of Maryland Electronic Thesis and Dissertation (ETD) Style Guide
\documentclass[12pt]{thesis} %12pt is larger than 11pt
{\normalfont\large}{Chapter \thechapter:}{1em}{}
\newcommand{\tbsp}{\rule{0pt}{18pt}} %used to get a vertical distance after \hline
%\setlength{\topmargin}{0in} %use this setting if the printer makes the the top margin 1/2 inch instead of 1 inch
\include{Abstract} %(must be first, required, non-numbered)
\include{Titlepage} %(must follow Abstract, required, non-numbered)
\include{Copyright} %(highly recommended, non-numbered)
%Pages from this point start at lower-case Roman number ii)
\include{Preface} %(if present, start at lower-case Roman number ii)
\include{Foreword} %(if present, lower-case Roman)
\include{Dedication} %(if present, lower-case Roman)
\include{Acknowledgements} %(if present, lower-case Roman)
\tableofcontents %(required, lower-case Roman)
%\listoftables %(if present, lower-case Roman)
\listoffigures %(if present, lower-case Roman)
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Abbreviations}
%Pages from this point start at Arabic numeral 1
%When using Bibtex, delete the previous line and use the following
%three lines.
%\bibliography{Galactic,Dottie} %replace "Galactic,Dottie" with the
% file name(s) of your bib file(s)