GPCPKD SeminarReportTemplate
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9 måneder siden
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Seminar or Project report template

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Discover why over 20 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
\usepackage{lscape} % for landscape tables
\usepackage[intoc, english]{nomencl}
% ******* References config *********
\bibliographystyle{IEEEtran} % On some TeX systems this works
%\bibliographystyle{ieeetr} % While on others this works
% Uncomment and test if your references don't cite
% correctly
\title{GPCPKS SeminarReportTemplate}
\author{sudevank }
\date{July 2024}
\gdef \title{How to prepare a Seminar report using \LaTeX } % Seminar title
\gdef \author{Student Name} %student name
\gdef \dept{Electronics Engineering} %Department
\gdef \degree{Diploma } %degree
\gdef \branch{Electronics Engineering} %branch
\gdef \college{Government Polytechnic College}
\gdef \collegeplace{Palakkad}
\gdef \rollno{TVE17EC0XY} %KTU Reg No
\gdef \deptabbr{Dept.of Electronics} %Dept name abbreviation
\gdef \guide{Lecture-1}
\gdef \hod{Dr. Dileep P} %Head of Department
\gdef \hoddes{Professor and Head} %HOD designation
\gdef \acadyear{2024 - 25} % Academic year
\gdef \month{November 2024} %Month of Report submission
\gdef \date{21-11-2020} %Date of signing the declaration
\include{coverpage} %Unless essential Do not edit this tex file
\include{certificate} %Unless essential Do not edit this tex file
\include{declaration} %Unless essential Do not edit this tex file
\chapter{Chapter 1}
\textbf{Organize your seminar topic content into suitable sub-sections. Use IEEE citation format to cite the papers referred by you. An example is shown below.}
Technical writing is writing or drafting technical communication used in technical and occupational fields \cite{ahmed2022cryptographic}, such as computer hardware and software \cite{bsnlwebsite}, engineering
\chapter{Chapter 2}
\section{subsection 1}