% Deedy - One Page Two Column Resume
% LaTeX Template
% Version 1.3 (22/9/2018)
% Original author:
% Debarghya Das (http://debarghyadas.com)
% Original repository:
% https://github.com/deedydas/Deedy-Resume
% v1.3 author:
% Zachary Taylor
% v1.3 repository:
% https://github.com/ZDTaylor/Deedy-Resume
% This template uses several fonts not included with Windows/Linux by
% default. If you get compilation errors saying a font is missing, find the line
% on which the font is used and either change it to a font included with your
% operating system or comment the line out to use the default font.
% 1. Add various styling and section options and allow for multiple pages smoothly.
% v1.3:
% 1. Removed MacFonts version as I have no desire to maintain it nor access to macOS
% 2. Switched column ordering
% 3. Changed font styles/colors for easier human readability
% 4. Added, removed, and rearranged sections to reflect my own experience
% 5. Hid last updated
% v1.2:
% 1. Added publications in place of societies.
% 2. Collapsed a portion of education.
% 3. Fixed a bug with alignment of overflowing long last updated dates on the top right.
% v1.1:
% 1. Fixed several compilation bugs with \renewcommand
% 2. Got Open-source fonts (Windows/Linux support)
% 3. Added Last Updated
% 4. Move Title styling into .sty
% 5. Commented .sty file.
% Known Issues:
% 1. Overflows onto second page if any column's contents are more than the vertical limit
% 2. Hacky space on the first bullet point on the second column.
% \lastupdated
\namesection{Zachary Taylor}{ %\urlstyle{same}\href{http://example.com}{example.com}| \href{http://example2.co}{example2.co}\\
\href{mailto:zacharydtaylor1997@gmail.com}{zacharydtaylor1997@gmail.com} | \href{tel:16156635675}{615.663.5675}
\descript{| Advanced Development Intern }
\location{May 2018 – Aug 2018 | Huntsville, AL}
\vspace{\topsep} % Hacky fix for awkward extra vertical space
\item Developed a cloud-based solution to automate and enhance the engineering process for network installation using AWS and Python.
\item Worked with other teams to create a system to collect and visualize telemetry data of network elements in real time using AWS, Python, and DOMO.
\item Consulted with other teams to jump start cloud-technology adoption and solutions throughout the company.
\item Contributed to initial planning for optics-alignment system utilizing AWS, reinforcement learning, and an IoT architecture.
\runsubsection{ExxonMobil IT}
\descript{| Intern }
\location{Feb 2017 – Nov 2017 | The Woodlands, TX}
\item Coordinated with multiple departments to lead a software product evaluation resulting in a fit-for-purpose verdict and provided a recommendation on moving forward.
\item Organized meetings with the vendor to receive in-depth product information and answers to cross-departmental questions.
\item Participated on the Web Development Taskforce to provide AngularJS sites to internal customers.
\item Participated in an internal CodeJam to prototype a blockchain application for managing a model supply-chain.
\item Worked with a team to plan executive visit and team-building exercise for 200 employees.
\runsubsection{Mississippi State University ITS}
\descript{| Assistant Support Specialist }
\location{Aug 2015 – Oct 2016 | Mississippi State, MS}
\item Interacted with clients to assess their problems and implement a solution in an efficient, friendly manner.
\item Prepared workstations and laptops for future use by company employees.
\item Created scripts to automate common tasks and increase productivity.
\runsubsection{State Space Robotics Team}
\descript{| Path-Planning Lead}
\location{Jan 2018 – Present | Mississippi State, MS}
\item Spearhead the development effort for the path-planning functionality of a team of three robots.
\item ROS provides movement servers and the planning is being implemented in Python to allow for fully-autonomous operation.
\runsubsection{Chit Chat}
\descript{| Class Project for Distributed Client-Server Programming}
\location{Jan 2018 – May 2018 | Mississippi State, MS}
\item Lead the development of \textbf{\href{http://www.chit-chat.net/}{Chit Chat}}, an anonymous chat application created as a class project.
\item Chit Chat provides real-time communication while utilizing a PHP backend and AngularJS frontend.
% \section{Research}
% \runsubsection{Cornell Robot Learning Lab}
% \descript{| Researcher}
% \location{Jan 2014 – Jan 2015 | Ithaca, NY}
% Worked with \textbf{\href{http://www.cs.cornell.edu/~ashesh/}{Ashesh Jain}} and \textbf{\href{http://www.cs.cornell.edu/~asaxena/}{Prof Ashutosh Saxena}} to create \textbf{PlanIt}, a tool which learns from large scale user preference feedback to plan robot trajectories in human environments.
% \sectionsep
% \runsubsection{Cornell Phonetics Lab}
% \descript{| Head Undergraduate Researcher}
% \location{Mar 2012 – May 2013 | Ithaca, NY}
% Led the development of \textbf{QuickTongue}, the first ever breakthrough tongue-controlled game with \textbf{\href{http://conf.ling.cornell.edu/~tilsen/}{Prof Sam Tilsen}} to aid in Linguistics research.
% \sectionsep
% \section{Community Service}
% \begin{tabular}{rll}
% 2013 -- 2018 & Tennessee & St. Baldrick's Foundation\\
% 2014 -- 2017 & Tennessee & American Cancer Society's Hope Lodge\\
% 2013 -- 2015 & Tennessee & Habitat for Humanity\\
% 2011 -- 2015 & Tennessee & Special Olympics\\
% \end{tabular}
% \sectionsep
% \section{Societies}
% \begin{tabular}{rll}
% 2018 -- 2018 & National & Association of Computing Machinery (ACM)\\
% 2017 -- 2019 & National & Scrum Alliance Certified ScrumMaster\\
% 2015 -- 2019 & University & Shackouls Honors College\\
% \end{tabular}
% \sectionsep
% \section{Awards}
% \begin{tabular}{rll}
% 2015 & 99\textsuperscript{th} percentile & National Merit Scholarship Finalist\\
% \end{tabular}
% \sectionsep
% \section{Publications}
% \renewcommand\refname{\vskip -1.5cm} % Couldn't get this working from the .cls file
% \bibliographystyle{abbrv}
% \bibliography{publications}
% \nocite{*}
\subsection{Mississippi State University}
\descript{Bachelor of Science in Computer Science with minors in Mathematics and Statistics}
\location{Expected Dec 2019 | Starkville, MS}
% College of Engineering \\
Dean's List (All Semesters) \\
\location{ Cum. GPA: 4.0 / 4.0}
\location{3+ years:}
Python \textbullet{} C/C++ \\
\location{1+ years:}
PHP \textbullet{} JavaScript \\
\location{0+ years:}
Matlab \textbullet{} R \textbullet{} SAS \\
Git/Github \textbullet{} AWS \textbullet{} Linux \\
UNIX \textbullet{} Windows \textbullet{} ROS \\
Artificial Intelligence \textbullet{} Automation \\
Analysis of Algorithms
Artificial Intelligence \\
{\footnotesize \textit{\textbf{(Teaching Assistant) }}} \\
AI Robotics \\
Operating Systems I \\
Calculus I-IV \\
Data Analysis I \\
Introduction to Probability \\
% Societies
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)\\
Scrum Alliance Certified ScrumMaster\\
Shackouls Honors College\\
National Merit Scholarship Finalist \\
Github:// \href{https://github.com/ZDTaylor}{\bf ZDTaylor} \\
LinkedIn:// \href{https://www.linkedin.com/in/zacharydtaylor1}{\bf zacharydtaylor1} \\
Career Center:// \href{https://msstate-csm.symplicity.com/profiles/zachary.taylor3}{\bf zachary.taylor3}
\end{document} \documentclass[]{article}