\documentclass[12pt, a4paper]{report}
\title{PhD title here}
\author{Author Name}
\qualifications{Author Qualifications}
\degree{Doctor of Philosophy}
\institution{Deakin University}
\date{Month Year}
%%%%% --------- Abstract --------- %%%%%
%%%%% ----- Acknowledgements ----- %%%%%
%%%%% -- Contribution Statement -- %%%%%
\frontmatter{Contribution statement}
\subsection*{Declaration by author}\sectionisincomplete
Title. Supervisor One\affil{1}, Title. Supervisor Two\affil{2}, Title. Supervisor Three\affil{1}, and Title. Supervisor Four\affil{3,4}
\makelongaffil{1}{A \textit{long} affiliation (e.g., School)}{allows for three (e.g., Faculty)}{lines to be specified (e.g., Institution)}
\makeshortaffil{2}{A \textit{short} affiliation (e.g., Department)}{only has two (e.g., Company)}
\makeshortaffil{3}{A supervisor may have}{multiple affiliations}
\makeshortaffil{4}{An affiliation may be used by}{multiple supervisors}
%%%%% ----- Publications ----- %%%%%
\frontmatter{List of publications}
\subsection*{Publications included in this thesis}
\subsection*{Submitted manuscripts included in this thesis}
\subsection*{Other publications during candidature}
% %%%%% ---- Ethics Statement ----- %%%%%
% \frontmatter{Ethics approvals}
% \sectionisincomplete
%%%%% ---- Table of Contents ---- %%%%%
%%%%% ----- List of Figures ----- %%%%%
%%%%% ----- List of Tables ------ %%%%%
%%%%% -- List of Abbreviations -- %%%%%
%%%%% ------ Introduction ------ %%%%%
%%%%% ---- Literature Review ---- %%%%%
\maincontent{Literature review}
%%%%% ------- Paper 1 ------- %%%%%
\maincontent{This is the full title of my first paper}
%%%%% ----- Paper 2 ----- %%%%%
\maincontent{This is where I would put my second paper \textit{\textbf{if I had any}}}
%%%%% -------- Paper 3 -------- %%%%%
\maincontent{Paper three is basically the Thursday of your thesis}
%%%%% ------ Paper 4 ------ %%%%%
\maincontent{Congratulations, Doctor.}
%%%%% ------ Paper 5 ------ %%%%%
\maincontent{Okay, nobody likes a show-off}
%%%%% ------ Conclusion ------ %%%%%
\maincontent{Summary, discussion, and future directions}
%%%%% ------ References ------ %%%%%
% \backmatter{References}
\bibliography{references.bib} %%All bibtex references are in references.bib file