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\fancyhead[L]{Journal of Computational Vision and Imaging Systems}
% Title Information
\title{\textbf{Paper Title}}
Name of 1st Author$^{1}$\thanks{Use footnote for providing further information about author (webpage, alternative address)---\emph{not} for acknowledging funding agencies.} \\
Name of 2nd Author$^{1}$, Name of 3rd Author$^{1}$, Coauthor Coauthor$^{1}$, \\
\textbf{Coauthor Coauthor}$^{1}$, \textbf{UW VIP Lab Coauthor}$^{2}$, \textbf{UW VIP Lab Coauthor}$^{1,2}$\\
$^1$Affiliation of 1st Author\\
$^2$Vision and Image Processing Group, Systems Design Engineering, University of Waterloo\\
\texttt{\{email1, email2, email3, email4, email5\}@UniversityDomain.ca}\\
\texttt{\{email6, email7\}@uwaterloo.ca}
% Enhanced Abstract Box
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This template presents the author guidelines for all submissions for Journal of Computational Vision and Imaging Systems. Please ensure that all guidelines are followed prior to submission.
\textit{Journal of Computational Vision and Imaging Systems} provides a forum for the dissemination of research results and technical advances in the field of computer vision and imaging. The goal of the journal is to bring together both academia and industry to share their joint expertise to promote the advancement and application of computer vision and imaging technologies in various areas of academic and industrial interests. \textit{Journal of Computational Vision and Imaging Systems} is published on an on-demand basis and is the official journal of the KWVIS Society.
Topics covered by the journal include, but are not limited to:
\item Reconstruction, restoration, and enhancement
\item Machine learning / Artificial intelligence
\item Compression and transmission
\item Content-based image retrieval
\item Object detection, recognition, and classification
\item 3D and stereoscopic imaging and reconstruction
\item Multispectral imaging, processing, and analysis
\item Video processing and analytics
\item Biometrics processing and analysis
\item Visual quality assessment of images and video
\item Computational imaging
\item Document and sign processing and analysis
\item Applications to various fields (e.g., remote sensing, health monitoring, biomedical, consumer electronics, manufacturing, life sciences)
All submissions to \textit{Journal of Computational Vision and Imaging Systems} must follow the below requirements:
\item Letter page size format
\item Double-column format
\item Maximum length of three pages, including all figures and references
\item Must include a short abstract with a maximum of 150 words.
All citations should follow the format at the end of this template~\cite{Siva,Siva2}.
All equations must include an equation number. An example equation is shown in Eq.~\ref{eq1}:
y = ax + b
All figures must include a figure number as well as an associated caption. An example figure is shown in Fig.~\ref{fig1}.
\caption{Example figure for \textit{Journal of Computational Vision and Imaging Systems}.}
An example table for the \textit{Journal of Computational Vision and Imaging Systems} is shown in Table~\ref{tab1}.
\caption{Example table for \textit{Journal of Computational Vision and Imaging Systems}.}
\begin{tabular}{l p{6cm}}
Symbol & Description \\
$y$ & Symbol 1 description \\
$x$ & Symbol 2 description \\
$a$ & Symbol 3 description \\
$b$ & Symbol 4 description \\
In conclusion, following these author guidelines will ensure that the submitted paper is in the proper format for publication in \textit{Journal of Computational Vision and Imaging Systems}.
We thank you for reading these guidelines.