% ========================================================
% This document is a customizable CV/Resume template built using LaTeX.
% The template is designed for easy customization and clear structure.
% Author: Matthew DeVerna (www.matthewdeverna.com)
% Date: 2024
% Design: Cased on Hause Lin's CV (hauselin.com)
% Project Overview:
% -----------------
% This LaTeX document is designed to help you create a professional CV or
% resume with ease. It uses as little fancy LaTex functionality or custom functions as possible to maximize its longterm durability and flexibility.
% The document is structured into multiple sections, each loaded from
% separate subfiles for modularity and ease of maintenance.
% Key Features:
% -------------
% - Customizable sections: Education, Research Experience, Awards, Publications, etc.
% - Bookmarks in the PDF for easy navigation
% - Styled bibliography with BibLaTeX
% - Hyperlinked email and website
% - FontAwesome icons for additional styling
% Getting Started:
% ----------------
% 1. Customize your personal information by modifying the \mytitle command.
% 2. Add your content to the respective subfiles (e.g., education.tex, exp_research.tex).
% 3. Update the bibliography file (ref.bib) with your publications and categorize them with keywords.
% Important Notes:
% ----------------
% - This main file includes the overall structure and settings.
% - Each section has its own detailed instructions for further customization.
% ========================================================
\documentclass[11pt]{article} % Choose the document class and font size
\usepackage[margin=1in]{geometry} % Page layout settings
% Set the citation style
backend=biber, % Specifies the backend to be used by BibLaTeX for processing the bibliography. 'biber' is the default backend.
maxnames=20, % Limits the maximum number of author names to display before abbreviating with "et al."
style=nature, % Sets the citation style to 'nature,' which is commonly used in scientific papers.
sorting=ydnt, % Specifies the sorting order of entries in the bibliography:
% y - year (descending)
% d - descending order
% n - name
% t - title
defernumbers=true, % Delays the assignment of citation numbers until the end of the document, allowing for the correct order of citations within each bibliography section.
\addbibresource{ref.bib} % Adds the bibliography resource file 'ref.bib' containing all the references.
% Allows columns that stretch across pages
% Table functionality and beautification (not strictly needed)
% Use icons, if you want.
% All available icons: http://mirrors.ibiblio.org/CTAN/fonts/fontawesome5/doc/fontawesome5.pdf
% Allows font justification control (needed for clean pub-list formatting)
% For underlining with line breaks
% All fonts: https://tug.org/FontCatalogue/
\usepackage{kpfonts} % More professional font
% \usepackage[default]{sourcecodepro} % Code-like font
% Control hyperlinks and colors
colorlinks=true, % Enable colored links
breaklinks=true, % Allow links to break across lines
linkcolor=cornflowerblue, % Color of internal links
urlcolor=cornflowerblue, % Color of URL links
anchorcolor=cornflowerblue, % Color of anchors
citecolor=cornflowerblue, % Color of citations
pdftitle={Your Title}, % Title of the PDF
pdfauthor={Your Name}, % Author of the PDF
bookmarksopen=true, % Open bookmarks panel at start
%%% ----------------------------- %%%
\Large\textbf{#1}\normalsize \\ % Name in large bold font
\href{mailto:#2}{#2} \\ % Email with mailto: link
\href{https://#3}{#3} \\ % Website with link
#4 % Address
%%% ----------------------------- %%%
\include{colors.tex} % Load custom colors from colors file
\mytitle{Your Name}{person@gmail.com}{yourwebsite.com}{Your Address\\Goes here\\This field can be excluded} % Insert your custom title
% Ensure right side margin is not surpassed by bibliography and the right margin is aligned throughout
% These \pdfbookmark lines create bookmarks in the exported PDF document that display in the left pane.
% Value in [] sets the indentation level of the bookmark
\pdfbookmark[1]{Research Experience}{exp_research}
\section*{Research Experience}
\pdfbookmark[1]{Awards \& Honors}{awards}
\section*{Awards \& Honors}
% Add equal contribution dagger
\faGoogle~\href{https://scholar.google.com/}{Google Scholar}\\
$\dagger \rightarrow$ Equal contribution
\pdfbookmark[2]{Journal Articles}{journal-article}
\subsection*{Journal Articles}
\newrefcontext[labelprefix=J] % Will prefix bibliography numbers with this letter
% Ensures publications which are not cited in the document are included in the above sections
\nocite{*} % Ensures uncited items are included
type=article, % Only include @article ref.bib items
heading=none, % Do not include header. Gives us more control.
resetnumbers=true, % Start item counter from zero
keyword=J % Include items in ref.bib with keyword={J}
\pdfbookmark[2]{Peer-reviewed Conference Proceedings}{conferences}
\subsection*{Peer-reviewed Conference Proceedings}
\pdfbookmark[2]{Working papers}{working-papers}
\subsection*{Working papers}
\pdfbookmark[1]{Tools \& Software}{tools}
\section*{Tools \& Software}
% Include any additional details here
% \vspace{-.75em}
% \small
% $\dagger \rightarrow$ Equal contribution
% \normalsize
\pdfbookmark[2]{Demonstrations \& Tutorials}{demos}
\subsection*{Demonstrations \& Tutorials}
\newrefcontext[labelprefix=D] \printbibliography[type=misc,heading=none,resetnumbers=true,keyword=D]
\pdfbookmark[1]{Selected Media Coverage}{media}
\section*{Selected Media Coverage}
\input{media.tex} % Input lines load the material from the subdocuments
\pdfbookmark[1]{Academic Advising}{advising}
\section*{Academic Advising}
\pdfbookmark[1]{Academic Service}{service}
\section*{Academic Service}
\pdfbookmark[1]{Other Experience}{exp_other}
\section*{Other Experience}
% Pretty ending with the date last updated
Last updated: \today