% Resume in Latex
% Author - Suyash, Kunal
% License : MIT
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%%%%%% CV STARTS HERE %%%%%%%%%%%
\newcommand{\name}{Kunal Kumar} % Your Name
\newcommand{\course}{Computer Science and Engineering} % Your Program
\newcommand{\roll}{xxxxx} % Your Roll No.
\newcommand{\phone}{xxxxxxx} % Your Phone Number
\newcommand{\emaila}{kunalkumarxxxxxxxx@gmail.com} %Email 1
\includegraphics[width=2.60cm,clip]{NCE LOGO.png}
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{L r} \\
\textbf{\Large \name} & {\raisebox{0.0\height}{\footnotesize \faPhone}\ +91-\phone}\\
{Roll No.: \roll } & \href{mailto:\emaila}{\raisebox{0.0\height}{\footnotesize \faEnvelope}\ {\emaila}} \\
Bachelor of Technology & \href{https://github.com/xxxxxxxx/}{\raisebox{0.0\height}{\footnotesize \faGithub}\ {GitHub Profile}} \\
{Nalanda College of Engineering, Chandi} & \href{https://www.linkedin.com/in/rajan-kumar-9523751a7/}{\raisebox{0.0\height}{\footnotesize \faLinkedin}\ {LinkedIn Profile}}
{Nalanda College of Engineering, Chandi}{CGPA: 7.67}
{Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering}{2019-23}
{Bapu High School - Senior Secondary}{Percentage: 79.6}
{Board of Secondary Education, State}{2019}
{\href{https://blogapp8800.netlify.app/}{\uline{Blog Application} } }%Project Name
{HTML, CSS, JavaScript, ReactJS, Firebase.} %Project Name, Location Name
{\href{https://github.com/ssuyash3000/Blog-web-app}{ \faGithub { }\uline{Source Code}}}
{} %Event Dates
\item {A blog web app that allows users to create, view, and comment on blog posts. The app uses Firebase Firestore to store the blog posts.}
\item {Here are some of the features of the app: Create blog posts, View blog posts in detail, Comment on blog posts, Easy to use and navigate.}
{\href{https://github.com/kunalkumar2002/QuiZZyAPI}{\uline{Quizzy API}}} %Project Name
{JavaScript, ExpressJs, NodeJs, JWT authentication, MongoDB. } %Project Name, Location Name
{\href{https://github.com/kunalkumar2002/QuiZZyAPI}{ \faGithub { }\uline{Source Code}}}
{} %Event Dates
\item {API made for fetching data based on user authenticated login, also posting of data by the admin}
\item {This API was made for full stack Quiz Application made for submission as minor project.}
{\href{https://ssuyash3000.github.io/Meal-App/}{\uline{Meal App}}} %Project Name
{HTML, CSS, JavaScript, AJAX. } %Project Name, Location Name
{\href{https://github.com/ssuyash3000/Meal-App}{ \faGithub { }\uline{Source Code}}}
{} %Event Dates
\item {Web App made for searching different meals, made using vanilla JavaScript}
\item {This web app utilizes mealdb api for getting information on different meals.}
\item {LocalSotrage is being utilized in this project for making the favourite list in this app persistent.}
{\href{https://ssuyash3000.github.io/ToDo-List-2/}{\uline {Todo List}} }%Project Name
{HTML, CSS, JavaScript. } %Project Name, Location Name
{\href{https://github.com/ssuyash3000/ToDo-List-2}{ \faGithub { }\uline{Source Code}}}
{} %Event Dates
\item {Web App made for creating to-do list for the day}
\item {Features - Add, Delete, Check Tasks in the list, Notification Panel,Sort the todos lexographically and in the order they were added.}
{Coding Ninjas - Sunrise Mentors Pvt. Ltd.}{New Delhi}
{Teaching Assistant}{Sep-Dec 2022}
\item {Conducted doubt sessions, addressing queries and clarifying doubts in C++, Data Structures, and Algorithms.}
\item {Assisted students in debugging code and guided them in effective problem-solving strategies.}
\item {Fostered open communication and collaboration, encouraging active participation and creating an enriching learning environment.}
\item {Received positive feedback for dedication and simplifying complex concepts, helping students overcome difficulties and achieve academic goals.}
%-----------Technical skills-----------------
\section{\textbf{Technical Skills and Interests}}
\begin{itemize}[leftmargin=0.05in, label={}]
\textbf{Languages}{: C/C++, Java, Javascript, HTML+CSS } \\
\textbf{Libraries }{: C++ STL, Java Collection, ReactJs }\\
\textbf{Web Dev Tools}{: Ajax, jQuery, Nodejs, VScode, Git, Github } \\
\textbf{Frameworks}{: ExpressJs } \\
\textbf{Cloud/Databases}{:MongoDb, Firebase, Relational Database(mySql) } \\
\textbf{Relevent Coursework}{: Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Operating Systems, Object Oriented Programming, Database Management System, Software Engineering, System Design. } \\
\textbf{Areas of Interest}{: Web Design and Development, Backend Development.} \\
\textbf{Soft Skills}{: Problem Solving, Self-learning, Presentation, Adaptability} \\
%-----------Positions of Responsibility-----------------
\section{\textbf{Positions of Responsibility}}
\resumePOR{Science Teacher, } % Position
{CHIRAG - NCE, Chandi} %Club,Event
{2019-2023} %Tenure Period \\
(Non-profit organization founded by NCE students to educate unprivileged children in Chandi, Bihar)
% %-----------Achievements-----------------
% \section{\textbf{Achievements}}
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% \resumeSubHeadingListStart
% \resumePOR{Achievement } % Award
% {description} % Event
% {Event dates} %Event Year
% \resumePOR{Achievement } % Award
% {description} % Event
% {Event dates} %Event Year
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