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Beamer template for BIGAI.

Opdag hvorfor 18 millioner mennesker verden rundt stoler på Overleaf med deres arbejde.
Opdag hvorfor 18 millioner mennesker verden rundt stoler på Overleaf med deres arbejde.
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%Title page
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%\subtitle{with applications to persuation and lie production}
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Main Author ,
2nd Author,
3rd Author }
\institute[]{NLCo, BIGAI}
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%the title page
Hello world! \cite{wang2020persuasion}
\item Introduction
\item Task Formulation
\begin{frame}{Dynamic Function}
\caption{\textbf{Temporal evolution of $t$.} }
\item $a \in $ $\mathcal{A}=$\{alice, bob, ...\}
$u_m$ can be:
u_m = \begin{cases}
\textrm{苹果}, & if~~a == \textrm{``apple''} \\
\textrm{我不想回答你的问题}, & if~~a == \textrm{``refuse''} \\
\vdots & \vdots
A $t-1$ turn dialogue:
H^t := \{(u_u^{1}, pg^{1}, u_m^{1}), \cdots, (u_u^{t-1}, pg^{t-1}, u_m^{t-1})\},
where $pg$ is the observation .
\begin{frame}[fragile]{Forward Algorithm}
\caption{Forward algorithm.}
\REQUIRE Transition model $\mathcal{T}$, value score model $\mathcal{F}$.
\STATE Compute $\bm{\alpha}^1$.
\FOR{$i = 2$ to $t-1$}
\STATE Obtain $v_+^i$ using the model in \ref{fig:forward}.
\IF{$i == t-1$}
\STATE Compute $V_+(a)$ using $\bm{\alpha}^{t-1}$.
\RETURN $V_+(a)$ as a function.
\begin{frame} [allowframebreaks]\frametitle{References}