Beamer theme for Donders Institute
Pierre Guetschel
Sidst opdateret
et år siden
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Unofficial beamer theme for the Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour (Radboud University).
% ======================================================================
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% UNOFFICIAL style for beamer presentations at RU-DI
% Radboud University, Donders Institute,
% Nijmengen, Netherlands
% Author: Pierre Guetschel <>
% Date: Oct 2022
% Instructions:
% - to create the title page, use: \titleframe
% - to create a section page, use: \sectionframe
% Inspirations:
% -
% -
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\usetheme{rudi} % Radboud University, Donders Institute beamer theme
%%% Uncomment to remove the foot line: %%%
%%% Uncomment to remove the bands on the left: %%%
%\setbeamertemplate{sidebar canvas left}{}
%%% Comment to dectivate the numbers in the table of contents:
\setbeamertemplate{section in toc}[sections numbered]
\setbeamertemplate{subsection in toc}[subsections numbered]
\title[Beamer theme for D.I.]{A beamer theme for the Donders Institute!}
\institute[Donders Institute]
Radboud University, Donders Institute, Nijmegen, Netherlands
\titleframe % Use this command to create the title page
\begin{frame}{Table of contents}
\section{Beamer elements}
\sectionframe % Use this command to create a section page
\subsection{The beamer blocks}
\frametitle{The beamer blocks}
\framesubtitle{This is the slide subtitle}
This is a standard block (here a theorem).
Here is an example block
Here is a bit of text between the blocks.
And here is an alert block.
\subsection{Itemize and Enumerate}
\begin{frame}{Itemize and Enumerate}
\item<1-> This is the first element of an enumerate.
\item<2-| alert@2> The second element is highlighted when appearing.
\item<3-> The third element contains an itemize environment
\item First itemize item. It contains another enumerate environment:
\item Here;
\item And there.
\item Second and last itemize item.
\item<1-> This is the last enumerate element. The others are hidden at first.
\subsection{The figures and tables}
\begin{frame}{The figures and tables}
\caption{Example figure's caption}
\section{Theme colors}
\begin{frame}{Available colors}
Base colors:\\
\colorbox{rudi-black}{\color{white} rudi-black}
\colorbox{rudi-dark-red}{\color{white} rudi-dark-red}
\colorbox{rudi-ru-red}{\color{white} rudi-ru-red}
\colorbox{rudi-bright-red}{\color{white} rudi-bright-red}
Extended colors:\\
\colorbox{rudi-dark-orange}{\color{white} rudi-dark-orange}
\colorbox{rudi-blue}{\color{white} rudi-blue}
\colorbox{rudi-green}{\color{white} rudi-green}
Watered colours:\\