LaTeX templates and examples — Quiz, Test, Exam

Mock AMC questions

Dr Driver's standard reading quiz template, downloaded from the github gist on 20th August 2014. The version on writeLaTeX has the commands for choosing the Meta and Meta Serif fonts commented out as these are not currently installed on the system. The template compiles with XeLaTeX.

This is the template for students making exams for MAT 307 at SUNY Oswego, taught by Bonita Graham in Spring 2016.

高校数学~大学基礎レベルの数学の問題集(解答付き) Simple math problem set with solution.

For use in the USA Mathematical Talent Search. Will update diagrams.


Fill in for HW1

This repository contains LaTeX Assessment Templates based on the amazing EXAM.CLS for generating quizzes, tests and exams for Mathematics courses taught at SSHL within the IB Diploma, GY2011 and MYP programmes. Included are 5 content driven *.tex templates formatted using custom package files. :: Updated: April 14th, 2017 :: Author: Mark Olson :: Website: :: Twitter: markolsonse :: Github: :: Logo: The logo used in all templates belongs to Sigtunaskolan Humanistiska Läroverket [SSHL], the school where I teach. Naming of Files Using my name to prepend the style files is not meant to be narcissistic naming convention, but a consequence of the original files not being intended to be externally useful and that these style files are currently being used across many different projects. Just a reminder that this project is really just a highly personalised version of the exam class.

INFR1113 homework 1 template
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