Et galleri af opdaterede og stilfulde LaTeX skabeloner, eksempler som kan hjælpe dig med at lære LaTeX, og artikler og præsentationer udgivet af vores fællesskab. Søg eller gennemse nedenfor.
This template provides a starting point for European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant applications.
As the ERC does not provide an official LaTeX template, this was created by ARJ to resemble the style of the official MS Word template.
Author note: Please be aware that this template is absolutely unofficial. Also, the ERC tends to change the template a little from year to year, so you should always check with the latest MS Word template. Good luck with the application writing!
Dit is een Nederlandstalige bijdrage vanwege Ludo Poelaert, UGent.
In deze korte tekst wordt een inleiding tot de taal R gegeven.
U mag de tekst vrij gebruiken onder het Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 .
Succes ermee.
This example shows how to set up the thailatex package to write in Thai and several other languages using UTF-8 encoding and the babel package. The thailatex package lets you use the standard latex document classes, such as article to write texts in the Thai language.
Bachelor thesis on Upscaling the extracellular glucose oxidase production in Aspergillus niger var tubingensis strain Ed8
Grade: ~95%
Abbreviation system included.
This template has been created for authors submitting articles to F1000Research. It is designed for easy editing online with Overleaf, and users can submit their paper directly to F1000Research from the Overleaf editor. Simply click above to start writing online in your browser. For instructions about the different article types accepted, please see F1000Research's article guidelines, and if you're new to Overleaf check out our tutorial for some help getting started.
Overleaf and F1000Research
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