Et galleri af opdaterede og stilfulde LaTeX skabeloner, eksempler som kan hjælpe dig med at lære LaTeX, og artikler og præsentationer udgivet af vores fællesskab. Søg eller gennemse nedenfor.
Modelo para o desenvolvimento do trabalho de conclusão de curso I e II, do curso de graduação em Engenharia Mecânica do Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica de Minas Gerais do Campus II em Belo Horizonte Minas Gerais.
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Aproveite, e bons trabalhos
Nov21 - Referencia não são mais agrupadas em artigos, livros, ...
This document contains the template for scientific work (Bachelor/Master/Doctoral Theses) at the CoDiS Lab Graz from Graz University of Technology. Feel free to use and modify the template.
This template is based on the great work of Karl Voit.
LaTeX beamer theme for Queensland University of Technology.
GitHub repo:
This template mostly comes from Jiayi Weng, Trinkle23897.
The GitHub repo for original template is
Beamer Minimalistic template for UNINOVE presentations.
This template is based on the Pure Minimalistic Theme.
Source can be found on GitHub (
LaTeX beamer theme for Renmin University of China students. Chinese support.
This template mostly comes from Jiayi Weng, Trinkle23897. His github repo is Thank you very much Trinkle!
My github repo is
Wenquan Wu
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