Et galleri af opdaterede og stilfulde LaTeX skabeloner, eksempler som kan hjælpe dig med at lære LaTeX, og artikler og præsentationer udgivet af vores fællesskab. Søg eller gennemse nedenfor.
This is LaTex PDF(PPT) template for SUSTech, you can use it to perform your presentations.
My github repo is:
This template mostly comes from Jiayi Weng, THU. His github repo is: Thank you very much!
A research poster template for members of the University of Warwick. Incorporates the master logo header from the official abstract poster template (from the previous brand iteration) and defines and uses the official brand colours (from the current brand iteration). For up-to-date brand information check
Modelo de Trabalho de conclusão de curso para o IFRN Campus João Câmara; Adaptado do template do Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Sul de Minas, disponível na galeria do Overleaf;
This is a beamer presentation template for Leipzig University. This project is a personal initiative, under open-source code. There is no connection with the University officials yet. For any comments and suggestions please contact to . The project is also available in my GitHub ( The author would like to thank Victor Jüttner from Leipzig University for sharing his contribution to the project.
Latex Template for articles to be submitted to SEI-SICITE 2021 (UTFPR - Guarapuava - PR - Brazil).
Modelo Latex para artigos a serem submetidos para o SEI-SICITE 2021 (UTFPR - Guarapuava - PR - Brasil).
More information:/Mais detalhes em:
Modelo para o Traballo Fin de Mestrado do Máster Inter-Universitario en Ciberseguridade (MUniCS) das Universidades de Vigo e da Coruña. Baseado en Clean Thesis de Ricardo Langner
MUniCS Master's Thesis template for the Universities of Vigo and Coruña. Based on Clean Thesis by Ricardo Langner
Felipe Gil-Castiñeira
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