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Aalborg University Ph.D Engineering Thesis Template

Þetta template er hugsað fyrst og fremst fyrir lokaverkefni í tæknifræði. Hægt að nota einnig fyrir almennar skýrslugerðir. En forsíðan er skv. staðli tæknifræðinnar og sama gildir um lykilsíðuna.

Plantilla de Working Paper para la Editorial SoPhIC. Para resolver dudas relacionadas con el uso de esta plantilla por favor contactar a editorial@sophicol.org

This is an unofficial latex template for the presentations in Gebze Technical University. The content layout might not match with the requirements of the course. This template is shared to provide a quick start to latex presentations while complying to the logo usage directives stated here: https://www.gtu.edu.tr/kategori/3315/0/display.aspx

Modèle Latex pour vos travaux M-STICS (sur base du modèle créé pour Polytechnique)

This template follows the PhD dissertation guidelines by TGS at Northwestern in summer 2021. Or at least tries to. Some required "features": - 1 inch margins - Page number at top right within margins - No page number for title page - Page number continues numerically in appendix - Approval page is optional and in the appendix Some extra features: - List of tables/figures includes supplemental tables/figures - Organize figures by chapter in folders

A latex package for the preparation of tenure and promotion dossier. % M.R. Hadizadeh % E-mail: mhadizadeh@gmail.com % August 2021

Beamer template with footfull cite

A simple font-awesome enabled CV or resume template. Automatically highlights specific author names in an attached citation list.
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