Et galleri af opdaterede og stilfulde LaTeX skabeloner, eksempler som kan hjælpe dig med at lære LaTeX, og artikler og præsentationer udgivet af vores fællesskab. Søg eller gennemse nedenfor.
Modelo para a elaboração de Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso do Bacharelado em Engenharia de Software, promovido pela UDESC no campus CEAVI, em Ibirama (SC).
This is a presentation template that has been customized by the "Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics" (EESD) team. Link:
Please feel free to edit modify or replace any of the parts.
This is an example document to show the use of headers and footers. "Special features" are a fancy header, initially made for a CV template, and a "final footer" which will only appear on the very last page.
The tutorial to go with it is here.
Sarah Lang
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