On Wednesday, 16 November, we upgraded our LaTeX compile servers to the version of TeX Live 2016 that ships with Ubuntu 16.10 "Yakkety Yak". Here's what you need to look out for in terms of breaking changes and new features in your projects on Overleaf.
BlogPosts tagged “tech”
- John · November 14, 2016
TeX Live Upgrade—November 2016
- Mary Anne · October 10, 2016
Overleaf and ORCID at AAAS
Thanks to Ashlea Higgs for giving a big shout-out to Overleaf at the ORCID outreach meeting at the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) in Washington DC last week!
- Philippe Chuzel, Commercial Director at Peerus · October 7, 2016
Guest Post Feature: Peerus, a new tool for automated publication monitoring
Researchers have to monitor their research field to stay up to date. Being aware of their co-writers and competitors’ work, following any progress, new knowledge and methods is both fundamental and essential in the researcher’s job.
Peerus is a webapp. It is a smart, self-learning tool allowing researchers to speed up and automate their monitoring. Dedicated to researchers, Peerus immediately identifies each user’s past publications and co-authors.
- John · August 25, 2016
#FuturePub 8 – New Developments in Scientific Collaboration Tech – Full line up of speakers confirmed
After a great turnout at our last #FuturePub in May, and given that the London ALPSP conference is coming up soon, we're teaming up with Scholarly Social for a pre-ALPSP event on September 13th!
The evenings are designed to be fun and informal - we aim to give opportunities to those working on new ideas and innovations a chance to present and get feedback on their ideas. And did I mention the free pizza?
FuturePub is being held at The Stables (near Kings Cross). Doors open at 6:00pm and the talks will kick off at 7pm. Space at the venue is limited, so please register for your free tickets now to reserve your place!
- August 25, 2016
Overleaf founder John Hammersley joins the PaperHive advisory board
We're delighted to announce that Overleaf founder John Hammersley has been asked (and has agreed!) to join the PaperHive advisory board. PaperHive is a newly launched coworking hub for researchers, which is aiming to "simplify research communication and transform reading into a process of collaboration".
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