We’re pleased to announce that Overleaf Server Pro 2.7 is now available!
You can find further information in the official release notes.
We’re pleased to announce that Overleaf Server Pro 2.7 is now available!
You can find further information in the official release notes.
We’re pleased to announce that Overleaf Server Pro 2.6 is now available!
You can find further information in the official release notes. Please note that we went straight to a 2.6.1 release, version 2.6.0 has not been published.
We’re pleased to announce that Overleaf Server Pro 2.5.0 is now available, and brings our new File Outline feature (see screenshot below) and TeX Live 2020, in addition to some bug fixes and other minor changes.
We’re excited to welcome von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics (VKI) as a new Overleaf customer!
The von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics (VKI) has partnered with Overleaf to provide our Overleaf Server Pro on-premise solution to their 100+ staff and 190 students. The Overleaf Server Pro solution will provide VKI with the ability to harness the collaborative power of Overleaf while hosting their data inside their own firewall on local servers.
We’re pleased to announce that Server Pro 2.4.0 is now available, and brings our audit log—which provides a log of when specific changes are made to user settings (see screenshot below)—as well as some bug fixes and other minor changes.
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