Spring til indhold
  • Posted by Paul on November 12, 2019

    We’re delighted to present a new feature on Overleaf that enables project owners to transfer the ownership of projects to a collaborator.

    So if you have to take a step back from a particular project, for whatever reason—perhaps you started a project but are no longer involved, or you’re heading out on holiday and would like a collaborator to manage it whilst you’re away—you can now do so in a few simple clicks.

  • Posted by Kate and Pedro on October 24, 2019

    At Overleaf we’re always looking at ways to continually improve our product. Since we joined forces with ShareLaTeX in mid-2017, we’ve worked hard to bring the best elements of Overleaf and ShareLaTeX together.

    With the new combined platform successfully launched and new features being frequently added, we’ve now brought a number of those upgrades to our on-premise solutions - Overleaf Community Edition and Overleaf Server Pro!

  • Posted by Kate on October 22, 2019

    In 2016, CERN was looking to adopt a single, collaborative authoring tool to provide to their researchers. They conducted a year-long trial of three platforms, with Overleaf (https://www.overleaf.com) emerging as the best fit.

  • Posted on October 21, 2019

    As we continue to work on making our systems more efficient, we have recently updated our PayPal payment gateway. This change may affect some customers who previously paid their subscription via PayPal as they may receive a ‘payment declined’ notification. Here's what you need to know.

  • Posted by Kate on October 16, 2019

    September is always a busy month for us here at Overleaf, as for a lot of our users it marks the start of the new academic year, bringing with it a mixture of new and returning students, along with the researchers and teachers preparing for their new classes. So welcome back if you’ve just been on a summer break!

    Since the launch of Overleaf v2, we’ve continued to work hard behind the scenes to make many updates and improvements to the platform (including the newly released TeXLive 2018 image), and we appreciate everyone that’s written in to report bugs or with feature suggestions; you all help us make Overleaf better for everyone.

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