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  • Heeeere's Johnny! Watch John Hammersley's 5 minute presentation about Overleaf!

    Posted by Mary Anne on September 27, 2015

    We were recently honored by ALPSP (Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers) as being Highly Commended for Publishing Innovation at the 2015 ALPSP Innovation in Publishing Awards. Such a fantastic achievement for Overleaf!

    Overleaf Highly Commended at ALPSP 2015 - founders collecting award

    As a part of that honor, one of our co-founders, John Hammersley was asked to give a 5 minute (yes, 5 minute!) overview of Overleaf - how we began, where we are now and how we're helping the scientific community. Needless to say, John stepped up and hit it out of the park! Check out his 5 minute presentation and the corresponding slides, below.

    Overleaf at ALPSP 2015 - Video

    Overleaf at ALPSP 2015 - Slides

    If you would like more information about Overleaf in general, or our Institutional or Publishing services, please let us know. We're happy to continue the 5 minute talk!

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