Resume - Jyothi Kunaparaju
Naga Jyothi Kunarparaju
Sidst opdateret:
9 år siden
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Jyothi Kunaparaju's résumé

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Jyothi Kunaparaju's résumé
Discover why over 20 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
% Medium Length Graduate Curriculum Vitae
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\moveleft.5\hoffset\centerline{\large\bf Naga Jyothi Kunaparaju} % Your name at the top
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\moveleft.5\hoffset\centerline{2700 JF Kennedy Blvd Apt :414} % Your address
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Looking for a challenging position as a Big Data Programmer and help in organizational growth utilizing my knowledge in Java, Jsp, Scala, Play, Spark.
Sun Certified JAVA Programmer. Have more than 8 years of experience in business Systems analysis and design. Skilled in requirements gathering, Architect, leading web development projects. Apart from capability to learn fast, other strong points are good communication and ability to work under pressure.
{\sl MS in Data Science with a Concentration in Business Analytics,} May 2017 \\
Saint Peters University, Jersey City, NJ\\
{\sl Bachelors in Electronics and Communication,} \ Jan 1995 \\
JNT University, Hyderabad , India\\
{\sl Programming Languages:} Java, Scala, C-SHARP, COBOL, SAS, R \\
{\sl Web Backend Technologies:} Oracle, MySQL, Db2, SQL, HiveSQL, SQL Server, AWS. \\
{\sl Web Frontend Technologies:} Play, JSP, Jhtml, XML, Struts, HTML,Hi-Charts, CSS, Java Script , ATG Dynamo, Weblogic, Tomcat. \\
{\sl Software Engineering:} WinCvs, Requirements analysis, UML, Rational Rose, Project Documentation. \\
{\sl Software:} SPARK, Git Hub, JIRA, ant, Intellij, Ecllipse, Visual Studio . \\
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\item Research current world bank indicators. Comparing one indicator of choice to an appropriate summary of the same indicator for the aggregate group.Using SAS programs
analyze data set creating series plots and create a macro that will allow parameters to pass for different countries and different indicators that being analyzed.
\item Research sociology, geological and Economic factors contributing traffic collisions. Analyze data set using various plots and set of statistical regression tools methodologies.Finalize conclusions to build a predictive model helping future impacts
for traffic collisions. Technologies used R studio and Excel and mysql workbench and
SAS Studio.
{\sl Software Engineer} \hfill Jan 2015 - Dec 2015\\
{\sl Vectorum, Hyderabad, India} \\
Vectorum is project developed for Machine data analytics built with technologies like Spark, Scala, play, Hi- charts, which will provide a set of tools for building models, to predict fault occurrences in Machine sensor data. Modules developed including Data-cleansing, graphical interfaces with HI-Charts, Streaming and Statistics using spark Machine learning libraries. Performance of the all modules tested with streaming through Tera bytes of Machine data. As part of core team in-addition to taking part in development, oversee the team activities by arranging conferences and communicating between team members
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\item Designed and developed data Extraction module. Created GUI for extracting data and saving it according to the user choice.
\item Data cleaning and custom formatting to implement business rules.
\item Removing NAN's and NA's from RDD before building models and graphs.
{\sl Technologies : Scala, Java Script, Css, Html, Play, Mysql, spark, Json, Hi-charts, Hdfs, HiveSql} \\
{\sl Developer} \hfill June 2014 - Dec 2014\\
{\sl Till9.com, Visakhapatnam, India} \\
Designed a website that caters specifically to attendees of conferences, and facilitates networking among attendees for various conferences arranged by organizations. The website accommodates the functionality to be customized to each conference where the members can create and join groups based on their preferences and the profiles of others.
{\sl Technologies : Java1.6, Css, Html, JSP, Mysql, Tomcat, Eclipse, AWS, JDBC} \\
{\sl Software Engineer } \hfill June 2004–Oct 2014\\
{\sl Planet Asia, Bangalore, India} \\
Maintenance of Apartments Rental and Senior Housing website. Developed intra-net application to maintain employee profiles.
{\sl Technologies : ATG Dynamo, Web logic, Tomcat, Java, J2ee, Jsp, Struts, JavaScript, Jhtml, Rational rose, Html } \\
{\sl Software Engineer } \hfill March 2000Sept 2003\\
{\sl Move.com, Losangeles, CA, USA} \\
move.com(Former HomeStore.com) is apartment rentals and Real Estate media business leader. Official web site provider for Realtors in America.
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\item Participated on many projects which include integrating websites during merger between Home store and Move.com.
\item Architect and Led the team, senior housing.net. Involved in major decisions and requirement gathering along with product development team.
\item Developed a prototype rental website using C sharp, ASP dot Net to evaluate feasibility to convert technologies.
\item Streamlined the Project documentation by industry standards. .
{\sl Technologies : ATG Dynamo, Web logic, Tomcat, Java 1.2,1.3, Jsp, Jdbc, Struts, JavaScript, Jhtml, C Sharp, Oracle, Mysql, Wincvs, Eclipse, NetBeans, Visual Studio, Rational-rose, CSS } \\
{\sl Consultant } \hfill May 1998 - Oct 1999\\
{\sl Sai Software Consulting, Dallas, USA} \\
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\item Ecruise.com : E-cruise lets passengers talk directly to Cruise lines, to leading cruise travel experts. Cruisers find complete a-z information, from planning to booking to packing to exploring ports of call.
{\sl Technologies :Jhtml, ATG Dynamo, Java1.1 } \\
\item Genisis (Carson city): Genisis is project developed for DMV for state of Nevada. Actively worked on the Licensing module, which creates new occupational licenses and vehicle registrations.
{\sl Technologies :Oracle, Db2, COBOL, Java 1.1 } \\
\item MCI Cedar Rapids : Designed Intra-net application using Java servlets, HTML, JAVA Applets, which is accessed by Customer service representatives all over USA which will allow to Change the Status of customers.
{\sl Technologies : JAVA 1.1, JDBC, AWT, Oracle, Java Webserver, Servlets } \\
{\sl Engineer} \hfill June 1996 - April 1998\\
Visakhapatnam Steel Plant, Visakhapatnam, India
Projects Worked : Maintenance of Production planning and control systems, Parts Inventory, Material Design
{\sl Technologies : IBM 3090, Oracle 7.1, PLSQL, COBOL, DB2, CICS } \\
Participated in setting up Arogya Vikas health checkup camps in Rural areas. The focus for Arogya Vikas Health Camp is disease prevention, screening, and health education. Dedicated in working with the group to conduct a cancer screening program with community participation. http://vtsbharath.org/general-health-camps/
{\sl Volunteer} \hfill May 2008 - June 2010 \\
\section{References }
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\item {Professor Sylvain Jaume, Data Science Graduate Director, Saint Peter's University, sjaume@saintpeters.edu}
\item {Suman Gandham, Database Architect, move.com, sgandham@move.com}