PERRIN Vivien's CV
Sidst opdateret
8 år siden
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
My CV in english
My CV in english
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\firstname{Vivien} % Your first name
\familyname{PERRIN} % Your last name
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\title{Electrical and Electronical Engineering and Automatism }
\address{74 Avenue Camille Desmoulins }{94234 Cachan, France}
\makecvtitle % Print the CV title
\section{\textbf{Personal Details}}
\cvitem{Date Of Birth}{13th of November, 1995}
\cvitem{Permanent Address}{74 Avenue Camille Desmoulins, 94234 Cachan, France}
\cvitem{Mobile No.}{+33 616488546}
\cventry{2015--2016}{Licence SAPHIRE spécialité EEA}{Bachelor Degree of EEEA}{\textbf{ENS Cachan}(Top School)}{\textit{}}{} % Arguments not required can be left empty
\cventry{2014--2015}{PSI*}{Preparatory School}{Lycée Henri Loritz}{\textit{}}{Competitive Exam of the ENS Cachan}
\cventry{2013--2014}{PCSI}{Preparatory School}{Lycée Henri Loritz}{\textit{}}{}
\cventry{2010--2013}{Baccalauréat Série S}{High School}{Lycée Jean Lurçat}{\textit{}}{Baccalauréat Série S (A level) with honours}
\cventry{2015-2016}{Design and manufacturing of an electrical generator}{}{}{}{We are trying to design and manufacture an electrical generator for bikes which requires less iron than traditional bike generators. I am tasked to design the magnetic circuit of this generator using the magnetic simulation software ANSYS Maxwell.
\cventry{2014-2015}{Automatic control of a DC electric motor }{}{}{}{I built an Arduino programm, an electronic circuit and a test bench in order to control a DC electric motor and show that such a motor is reversible.}
\section{\textbf{Personal Skills}}
\cvlistitem{As a former student of preparatory school I am able to\textbf{ manage important workloads} during short delays.}
\cvlistitem{I am able to \textbf{work easily in team and lead a project}. Indeed I took part in many different projects during my studies and I am used to work in team. }
\cvlistitem{I am able to \textbf{work efficiently under pressure}. Indeed during in preparatory I was used to manage important projects during short time and do oral presentations or oral exams without any preparation time.}
\cvlistitem{I am able \textbf{to communicate efficiently}with other people in French, English, and Spanish. Indeed I have acquired coping and communication skills during personal travels in Kenya, Greek, Canaria, Spain.}
\cvlistitem{I have \textbf{good computer handling and programming skills} which I acquired during my studies.}
\section{\textbf{IT Package}}
\subsection{ Engineering Softwares:}
\cvlistitem{I am fully proficient in using \textbf{ANSYS Maxwell} and \textbf{Multisim} which I use this year during my project.}
\cvlistitem{I am able to work with \textbf{Catia} which I use during my project and \textbf{SolidWorks} which I used during preparatory school.}
\cvlistitem{I am fully proficient in using \textbf{Python} language and \textbf{Matlab} which I used during many personal projects.}
\cvlistitem{I am able to use \textbf{Arduino} which I used during preparatory school.}
\subsection{Other Softwares}
\cvlistitem{I am fully proficient in using \textbf{MS Office}(Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher) and \textbf{Latex} which I use during in my studies. }
\section {\textbf{Personal Interests}}
\cvlistitem{Quantum Mechanics}
\cvlistitem{Signal processing}