Patterns for SoS Reconfiguration
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10 år siden
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presentation sesos 2015

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presentation sesos 2015
Discover why over 20 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
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\title[Patterns for SoS Reconfiguration]
{Approach Based Patterns for System-of-Systems Reconfiguration}
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\author[Franck, Petitdemange]
{F.~Petitdemange\inst{1} \and I.~Borne\inst{1} \and J.~Buisson\inst{2}}
University of South Brittany\\
Vannes, France
Military Academy of St-Cyr\\
Vannes, France}
\date[SESOS 2015]
{Software Engineering for Systems-of-Systems, 2015}
\subsection{SoS Engineering Process}
\begin{frame}{SoS Engineering Process}
%\includegraphics[scale=0.3, angle=-90]{construction-process}
\begin{frame}{Architecture desciption language : SoSADL}
\item[Constituent System (CS) :] have their own managerial and
operational independance while contributing to the global mission
of the SoS
\item[Mediator :] controled by the SoS. They belong to the
SoS. Mediateur are communicating element that specify, coordinate
the interaction beetween CSs and SoS control over them.
\item[Coalition :] a set of contraints about the CSs and
mediator required to accomplish a emergent behavior.
\begin{frame}{Emergency service SoS}
\item[Mission :] preserve human life and material
\section{Patterns for SoS reconfiguration}
\begin{frame}{Need of architectural reconfiguration}
Cause :
\item managerial and operational independance of the constituents
Consequence :
\item architecture evolve continuesly
Problems :
\item determine a set of reconfiguration' operations to maintain architectural pattern in the concrete architecture?
\item determine a set of reconfiguration' operations to make evolve the architectural pattern in a coherently way?
\begin{frame}{Architectural pattern}
\includegraphics[angle=-90, scale=0.5]{pattern-emergency-service}
\begin{frame}{Maintain architectural patterns}
\includegraphics[angle=-90, scale=0.4]{cas-maintain-pattern}
\begin{frame}{Architectural pattern evolutions}
\begin{frame}{Patterns for reconfiguration}
Approach :
\item use pattern approach to formalize a set of best practice to assist
\item based on dedicaded language (SoSADL), describe SoS architecture
pattern architectural taking into account SoS characteristics
\item express a set of reconfiguration operations associate to this
architectural pattern which can express for instance :when, how,
for which to add a new CS.
\item the choice of reconfiguration' operations in order to instanciate or reinstanciate the architectural pattern
%\item ...
\section{Related Works}
\begin{frame}{Challenge and Futur Work}
Challenge :
Futur Work :