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\textsc{Shanghai Jiao Tong University} \\ [25pt] % Your university, school and/or department name(s)
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\huge Literature review for energy consumption in manufacturing industry from machine to factory level \\ % The assignment title
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\author{ Wouter Vanoverberghe,Chang Yuan ...} % Your name
\date{\normalsize\today} % Today's date or a custom date
\maketitle % Print the title
{\noindent{\Large Abstract} }\\
Energy consumption is one of the most critical issues in the manufacturing industry. The modeling, analysis and improvement of energy cost and consumption in multistage production system have been widely studied in many research works. To summarize the latest development of research of energy consumption, a large amount of research work have been investigated. The review work includes effect of design for the energy consumption and interactions between many aspects related to industry. This research research combines energy systems from microscopic to macroscopic, which includes machine, manufacturing line and factory level.
This document begins with a review of energy consumption on machine level. Including the schema for machine states and transition of energy, the process model for energy analysis and improvement methods. These topics are further discussed in detail for different processes, eg. forming process, additive processes, etc. In the next part of the review the researches on energy consumption for the multi-machine/manufacturing line level are introduced. Include the define of manufacturing line level, the logical benchmarking of manufacturing lines, and the utilization of energy flows. At last, the detailed way for the factory level energy management are studied. Including the factory energy management system and the method of reduce energy consumption. \\
\textbf{Key words:} review, Energy Efficiency, Manufacturing Processes, Machine Optimization, Sustainable manufacturing, Research activities
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