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\textsc{The Springfield Renaissance School} \\ [25pt] % Your university, school and/or department name(s)
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\huge What is Justice? \\ % The assignment title
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\section{What is Justice? What values do you have that help you understand Justice?}
Justice and what is just is widely debated amongst people, however the fundamental meaning of justice is, "the philosophical concept of rightness or correctness in ethics". In the 21st century the guidelines for justice are set out by laws that encompass everybody who wants to be a part of a functioning society. However a random persons understanding of "justice" will depend on their nature of ethical judgment and their approach to how they ought to act, morally speaking in their position. Basically a person's definition of justice depends on their way of thinking. For example, a religious person's understanding/definition of justice would be based of their specific dogma. Justice for me is doing what is morally and ethically right. The values I have that help me understand Justice are the following, open-mindedness and my belief in consequentialism. \\
Having an open mind has given me the chance to change how I think, how I see the world, and ultimately justify my decisions. An open minded person has a strong understanding of how they and the world works; as a result they are not regulated by their beliefs or the beliefs of others. Being open minded helps me by making me admit that I am not all knowing and as a result whatever "truth" I find might always have more to it than I see. \\
Another value I have that helps me understand justice is consequentialism. Consequentialism is, "the class of normative ethical theories holding that the consequences of one's conduct are the ultimate basis for any judgment about the rightness or wrongness of that conduct." Basically I believe that a certain action, the motivation for the action, and the rules aiding the action, have little impact on whether the action is morally just. In my opinion an action is morally just when it produces a "good" end result. However my belief in consequentialism is not solid because of one reason. How can morality be based on good when what is good for one person might be harmful to another. \\
In conclusion "justice" can be whatever we define it to be, however today justice has guidelines set out by the law that encompass us all, which has its pros and cons. Ultimately justice for me is doing what is morally and ethically right.