Akshay Vaishnav's CV (Mechanical Engineer)
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Akshay Vaishnav's CV

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Akshay Vaishnav's CV
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% Medium Length Professional CV
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\documentclass{resume} % Use the custom resume.cls style
\usepackage[left=0.4 in,top=0.3 in,right=0.4 in,bottom=0.3in]{geometry} % Document margins
\name{Akshay Vaishnav} % Your name
\address{C-101, Dreamland Apartment, Backbone Park, B/H Balaji Hall, Rajkot-360004, Gujarat} % Your address
%\address{123 Pleasant Lane \\ City, State 12345} % Your secondary addess (optional)
\address{+91 720 393 7889 \\ vaishnavakshay007@gmail.com} % Your phone number and email
{\bf Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering} \hfill {August 2012 - May 2016}
Sanjaybhai Rajguru College of Engineering, Rajkot
Gujarat Technological University, CGPA: 8.38/10.00
{\bf HSC, Class XII} \hfill {June 2010 - April 2012}
Shree S.G. Dholakiya Higher Secondary School, Rajkot, Gujarat, 57\%
{\textbf{SSC, Class X}} \hfill{March 2009 - March 2010}\\
Shree S.G. Dholakiya Secondary School, Rajkot, Gujarat, 83\%
%Minor in Linguistics \smallskip \\
%Member of Eta Kappa Nu \\
%Member of Upsilon Pi Epsilon \\
\begin{rSection}{skills and INTERESTS}
\begin{tabular}{ @{} >{\bfseries}l @{\hspace{6ex}} l }
Interests & Product Development, Design, Automobile, CAD/CAE, Finite Element Analysis, \\& Optimization, Fluid Mechanics, Robotics, Modeling and Simulation\\
Design Software & Basic AUTOCAD, CATIA V5, ANSYS (Static Structural, Transient Structural, \\& Static Thermal, Transient Thermal, Harmonic Response, Model analysis, Acoustic, Fluent), \\& OptimumLap, MATLAB\\
\begin{rSubsection}{Design Optimization of Hydraulic Press Plate using Finite Element
\\Analysis} {January 2016 - April 2016}{Major Project as a part of curriculum}{}
\item An Industrial Defined Project in collaboration with Incredible Machines, Rajkot
\item Designed and performed an FEA analysis of the plates of Hydraulic machine with the capacity of 250-ton
\item Optimization in terms of design and material reduction, leading to cost effectiveness, considering minimum \\deformation of plates during operation
\begin{rSubsection}{Mathematical Modeling and Analysis of a Hydro-pneumatic Suspension
\\Column of a Car}{July 2015 - October 2015}{Minor Project as a part of curriculum}{}
\item Modeled a 2-DOF system considering sprung and unsprung mass of the vehicle
\item Performed sensitivity analysis to minimize the displacement of sprung and unsprung mass caused by vehicle hitting a bump using Transfer Function approach
\item The settling time and displacement of the system were decreased using Hydro-pneumatic suspension system
\begin{rSubsection}{Design and Thermal analysis of Disk Brake Rotor using ANSYS}{March 2016}{GT Motorsports,a Formula Student Team of GTU}{}
\item Applied Energy Equation to calculate theoretical data for the input of simulation
\item Devised boundary conditions for modeling the system by calculating including Heat power and Heat flux
\item A Static thermal analysis in ANSYS Workbench using real time boundary conditions to obtain temperature distribution of Brake Rotor
\begin{rSubsection}{Design, Development and Analysis of Exhaust System and Muffler assembly}{Sept 2015 - Jan 2016}{GT Motorsports,a Formula Student Team of GTU}{}
\item Design and Development of complete muffler assembly for the reduction of noise under 110 dBC as per the rulebook
\item Modeling and Acoustics analysis of muffler assembly in ANSYS to determine the Transmission Loss
\item A CFD analysis of Exhaust Manifold using ANSYS Fluent to optimize the exhaust gas flow
% Research Publications
\begin{rSection}{ Research Publication } \itemsep -3pt
{\textbf{Akshay Vaishnav}, Path Lathiya, Mohit Sarvaiya"\textit{Design Optimization of Hydraulic Press Plate using Finite \\Element Analysis}"Vol. 6 - Issue 5, International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA), \\ISSN: 2248-9622 } \hfill May 2016 \\
\begin{rSection}{INTERNSHIP/TRAININGS} \itemsep -3pt
{\textbf{Automotive Industry Simulation Internship}, \\Expertshub,Sinhgad Institute of Engineering, Pune } \hfill June 2015 \\
{\textbf{Machining and Quality Control of Forged Connecting Rods}, \\Amul Group of Industries, Rajkot} \hfill February 2015 \\
\begin{rSubsection}{CAE and Powertrain Lead, Formula SAE}{August 2015 - Present}{GT Motorsports,a Formula Student Team of GTU}{}
\item Devised the design objectives and validation of designs through simulations and testings
\item Concentrated on real time simulation of Exhaust System and the noise reduction of Exhaust system
\item Part of core Design group in the team helping with various design decisions
\item Performed numerous simulations of various components of the car in the area of FEA and CFD segments with documentations
\begin{rSubsection}{Head coordinator of Mechanical section at Robotics club} {July 2015 - May 2016}{Sanjaybhai Rajguru College of Engineering}{}
\item A college level Robotics club established by students with the aim of learning and professional skill development \\among students and peers
\item Lead in Mechanical work of Robotics club, working mostly with CAD and Hardware systems
\item Team leader and active member working to develop various robots of different concepts and configurations
% Extra-Cirrucular
\begin{rSection}{Extra-Cirrucular} \itemsep -2pt
\item STTP on \textbf{Life Long Research} under TEQIP-II, SVNIT, Surat \hfill February 2016
\item Participated in \textbf{Formula Student India}, An International FSAE competition,
\\Secured 9th rank overall \& 4th in Endurance \hfill January 2016
\item Seminar on \textbf{Introduction to Robotics and Arduino Programming}, SRCOE,Rajkot \hfill July 2015
\item \textbf{Junkyard}, BRIZINGER'15, a National Level Techfest, GEC, Rajkot \hfill March-2015
\item Seminar on \textbf{Rapid Prototyping}, COGNIZANCE 2K14, a National Level Technical Festival, \\CSPIT, Charotar \hfill September-2014
\item \textbf{Rise of Machine}, PRAKARSH 9.0, a National Level Technical Symposium, SVIT, Vasad \hfill March-2014
\begin{rSection}{ Declaration } \itemsep -3pt
\item I hereby declare that all the details furnished above are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.