Abdul Rehman's Resume
Abdul Rehman
Sidst opdateret:
9 år siden
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Abdul Rehman's Resume

Discover why over 20 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
Discover why over 20 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
\Huge \textbf{Abdul Rehman}\\*
\normalsize \textbf{\urlstyle{same}{\footnotesize \\ \textbf{2B Electrical Engineering| a25rehma@uwaterloo.ca |519-721-4249}}}
C\# \textbullet{}Java \textbullet{}C++ JavaScript\textbullet{}HTML\textbullet{}CSS\textbullet{} VHDL \\ Assembly \textbullet{} Matlab
\subsection{Tools and Frameworks}
Node.js \textbullet{} AngularJS\textbullet{} \\ Angular Material\textbullet{}Mocha \\ PostgreSQL \textbullet{} MVC \textbullet{} Bootstrap \\ Git\textbullet{} Unix \\ Microsoft Visual Studio \\ Eclipse \textbullet{} vim
\subsection{University of Waterloo}
\descript{Candidate for Bachelor of Applied Science in Honours Electrical Engineering, co-op}
\location{September 2014-Present}
Algorithms and Data Structure \\
Discrete Math\\
Digital Computers \\
Electronic Circuits \\
Numerical Methods \\
Engineering Profession, Ethics and Law \\
\subsection{Online Coursework}
Introduction to Algorithms (MIT| status: in progress)
\\Microelectronic Devices and Circuits (MIT| status: in progress)
Awarded the distinction scholarship by the University of Waterloo\\
Awarded the certificate of excellence for 3 years in a row in high school
\runsubsection{Software Engineering Intern} |\descript{\small Solink Corp}
\location{January 2015 - April 2015 | Kanata, On}
\item Designed, developed, and tested multiple features, enhancing core cloud application, all of them currently in production \\
\item Designed and wrote access permissions throughout the central monitoring application, such as publicly exposed internal APIs, authentications, and creating and assigning data reports , making it secure and reliable for all level of users \\
\item Developed various automated tests in Mocha framework with maximum code coverage
\item Implementation in HTML/CSS/AngularJS (frontend) and Node.js (backend) using node and gulp servers
\runsubsection{IS Analyst, Client Support} |\descript{\small Maple Leaf Foods}
\location{May 2015 – Aug 2015 | Mississauga, On}
\item Increased Microsoft configuration manager asset database accuracy by resolving a discrepancy involving over half a million dollars worth of hardware\\
\item Developed several efficient standard operation procedures (SOPs) including virus removals and employee terminations \\
\item Conducted training seminars for business affiliates (CDW) to work with company's hardware databases upon both annual life cycles and breakage replacements
\item Ensured successful migration from IE 8 to IE 10 and Outlook 2010 to Cloud as a member of the Hyper Care team \\
\item Provided hardware and software support to company employees working with Windows and VMs \\
\item Formalized current and newly developed processes in the IT department using Microsoft Visio \\
\runsubsection{Lego Rover Robot (Lego Mindstorm )} |\descript{\small Personal Project}
\item Programmed the ARM microcontroller of the robot in GUI to solve complex maze by following coloured lines \\
\item Used multiple sensors in the algorithm to detect and handle obstacles such as certain colours, luminous flux, sound frequencies, and walls\\
\runsubsection{Traffic Light Controller (VHDL)} |\descript{\small Embedded Systems Labs, Waterloo}
\item Programmed state machine to mimic the functionality of a signal light on the FPGA board \\
\item The lights functioned accordingly to daytime and night time through sensors \\
\runsubsection{pharmaceutical drugs sort}
|\descript{\small Personal Project}
\item Built various methods to read data file of 16000+ drugs and sort it\\
\item Implemented C\# code to analyze the data file and perform arithmetic operations on data \\
\item Performed error checking and debugging to fulfill pre-defined specifications