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0 $

per år

252 $

199 $

per år

504 $

399 $

per år

  • Kun én samarbejdspartner
  • 10 samarbejdspartnere per projekt
  • Alle Premium-funktioner
  • Ubegrænset antal samarbejdspartnere
  • Alle Premium-funktioner
Antal brugerehelp(lær mere)Det antal af brugere der kan opgradere deres Overleaf konto hvis du køber dette abonnement.
1 bruger
1 bruger
1 bruger
Maks samarbejdspartnere per projekthelp(lær mere)Det maksimale antal folk du kan invitere til at samarbejde på hvert projekt. De har blot brug for at have en Overleaf konto. Det kan være forskellige folk i hvert projekt.
Dig + 1
Dig + 10
Dig og dine samarbejdspartnere får adgang tilhelp(lær mere)Disse funktioner er tilgængelige for dig og dine samarbejdspartnere (andre Overleaf brugere som du har inviteret til dine projekter).
Kompileringstidsgrænsehelp(lær mere)This is how much time you get to compile your project on the Overleaf servers. You may need additional time for longer or more complex projects.
12x basis
12x basis
Compile servershelp(lær mere)Compiles for users on premium plans always run on a dedicated pool of the fastest available servers.
Realtids ændringshistorikhelp(lær mere)Slå “Følg ændringer” til for at se hvem der har lavet enhver ændring, accepter eller afvise andres ændringer og skrive kommentarer.
Funktion ikke inkluderet
Funktion inkluderet
Funktion inkluderet
Fuld ændringshistorikhelp(lær mere)Du kan se alle ændinger i dit projekt og hvem der lavede dem. Tilføj et mærkat for hurtigt at kunne tilgå bestemte versioner.
Funktion ikke inkluderet
Funktion inkluderet
Funktion inkluderet
Avanceret henvisningssøgninghelp(lær mere)Det er nemt at finde dine henvisninger. Du kan søge efter forfatter, titel, udgivelsesår eller journal. Du kan også stadig søge efter citeringsnøglen.
Funktion ikke inkluderet
Funktion inkluderet
Funktion inkluderet
Git-integrationhelp(lær mere)Du kan klone dit Overleaf projekt til et lokalt repository, og behandle Overleaf som et remote repository, som du kan pushe og pulle fra.
Funktion ikke inkluderet
Funktion inkluderet
Funktion inkluderet
Du får adgang tilhelp(lær mere)Disse funktioner er kun tilgængelige for dig (abonnenten).
Højtydende LaTeX-skriveprogram & live samarbejde.help(lær mere)Stavekontrol, intelligent autoudførelse, syntaksfremhævning, dusinvis af farvetemaer, vim- og emacs-tastebindinger, hjælp til LaTeX-advarsler og -fejlmeddelelser, med mere. Alle har altid den nyeste version, og du kan se dine samarbejdspartneres markører og ændringer live.
Funktion inkluderet
Funktion inkluderet
Funktion inkluderet
Ubegrænset antal projekterhelp(lær mere)Dine projekter er private som udgangspunkt. Det betyder at kun du kan se dem, og kun du kan tillade andre at tilgå dem.
Funktion inkluderet
Funktion inkluderet
Funktion inkluderet
Flere tusinde skabelonerhelp(lær mere)Skab smukke dokumenter ved at starte fra vores galleri af LaTeX skabeloner for journaler, konferencer, afhandlinger, rapporter, CV’er og meget mere.
Funktion inkluderet
Funktion inkluderet
Funktion inkluderet
Symbolpalethelp(lær mere)En hurtig og bekvemt måde at indsætte matematiske symboler ind i dit dokument.
Funktion ikke inkluderet
Funktion inkluderet
Funktion inkluderet
GitHub-integrationhelp(lær mere)Forbind dine Overleaf projekter direkte til et GitHub repository som opfører sig et remote repository for dit Overleaf projekt. Dette tillader dig at samarbejde med partnere uden for Overleaf, og at integrere Overleaf ind i mere komplicerede workflows.
Funktion ikke inkluderet
Funktion inkluderet
Funktion inkluderet
Dropbox-integrationhelp(lær mere)Arbejd online og offline problemfrit med to-vejs Dropbox synkronisering. Ændringer du foretager lokalt vil automatisk blive sendt til Overleaf-versionen og vice versa.
Funktion ikke inkluderet
Funktion inkluderet
Funktion inkluderet
Mendeley-integrationhelp(lær mere)Håndtér dit henvisningsbibliotek i Mendeley og forbind det direkte til .bib filer i Overleaf, så du nemt kan henvise til alt i dine biblioteker.
Funktion ikke inkluderet
Funktion inkluderet
Funktion inkluderet
Zotero-integrationhelp(lær mere)Håndtér dit henvisningsbibliotek i Zotero og forbind det direkte til .bib filer i Overleaf, så du nemt kan henvise til alt i dine biblioteker.
Funktion ikke inkluderet
Funktion inkluderet
Funktion inkluderet
Prioritetssupporthelp(lær mere)Vores hjælpsomme Support-hold vil prioritere og eskalere dine support anmodninger når dette er nødvendigt.
Funktion ikke inkluderet
Funktion inkluderet
Funktion inkluderet

Alle priser er vist i USD. Priser kan skulle pålægges yderligere afgifter, afhængigt af hvor du er.

Mastercard accepteretVisa accepteretAmex accepteretPaypal accepteret
Overleaf is indispensable for us. We use it in our research, thesis writing, project proposals, and manuscripts for publication. When it comes to writing, it’s our main tool.
Christopher Collins
Christopher Collins
Associate Professor and Lab Director, Ontario Tech University
With Overleaf, we now have a process for developing technical documentation which has virtually eliminated the time required to properly format and layout documents.
Andrew Bennett
Andrew Bennett
Software Architect, Symplectic
We are writing collaboratively right up until the last minute. We are faced with deadlines all the time, and Overleaf gives us the ability to polish right up until the last possible second.
Christopher Collins
Christopher Collins
Associate Professor and Lab Director, Ontario Tech University

frequently asked questionsYour questions answered

Yes, you can do this at any time by going to Account>Subscription when logged in to Overleaf. You can change plans, switch between monthly and annual billing options, or cancel to downgrade to the free plan. When canceling, your subscription will continue until the end of the billing period.
No. Changing or canceling your plan won’t affect your projects, the only change will be to the features available to you. You can see which features are available only on paid plans in the comparison table.
This is possible when you’re purchasing a group subscription for five or more people, or a site license. For individual subscriptions, we can only accept payment online via credit card, debit card, or PayPal.
You get full access to your chosen plan during your 7-day free trial, and there’s no obligation to continue beyond the trial. Your card will be charged at the end of your trial unless you cancel before then. To cancel, go to Account>Subscription when logged in to Overleaf (the trial will continue for the full 7 days).
A collaborator is someone you invite to work with you on a project. So, for example, on our Standard plan you can have up to 10 people collaborating with you on any given project.
No. Only the subscriber’s account will be upgraded. An individual Standard subscription allows you to invite 10 people per project to edit the project with you. Your collaborators can access features such as the full document history and extended compile time, but only for the project(s) they’re working on with you. If your collaborators want access to those features on their own projects, they will need to purchase their own subscription. (If you work with the same people regularly, you might find a group subscription more cost effective.)
If you have an Overleaf subscription, then your project collaborators will have access to features like real-time track changes and document history, but only for the project(s) they’re working on with you. If your collaborators want access to those features on their own projects, they will need to purchase their own subscription. (If you work with the same people regularly, you might find a group subscription more cost effective.)
Individual subscriptions must be purchased by the account that will be the end user. If you want to purchase a plan for someone else, you’ll need to provide them with relevant payment details to enable them to make the purchase.
As the name suggests, the Student plan is only for students at educational institutions. This includes graduate students.
No. Individual plans can’t be transferred.
On any of our group plans, the number of users refers to the number of people you can invite to join your group. All of these people will have access to the plan’s paid-for features across all their projects, such as real-time track changes and document history.
Collaborators are people that your group users may invite to work with them on their projects. So, for example, if you have the Group Standard plan, the users in your group can invite up to 10 people to work with them on a project. And if you have the Group Professional plan, your users can invite as many people to work with them as they want.
Our Group subscriptions allow you to purchase access to our premium features for multiple people. They’re easy to manage, help save on paperwork, and reduce the cost of purchasing multiple subscriptions separately.
The educational discount for group subscriptions is for students or faculty who are using Overleaf primarily for teaching.
Yes. To add more users to your subscription you’ll need to
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