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New feature launch: Save to Dropbox and Multi-language Spell Check

August 29, 2013
Start of Term Special Button

Two of our most requested features are now out of testing and available to all users - an in-editor option to quickly save your work to Dropbox, and a multi-language spell checker to help pick up those tyops and mitsakes that can easily slip past.

To mark the start of the new academic year, we're giving all our users free three month upgrades to our student plan during September so you can start using these features straight away. To upgrade your account simply click the button (shown right) in your My Documents dashboard and confirm your selection on the following page.

Save to Dropbox

Once you're on the student plan (or above), you'll see a new option in the writeLaTeX editor to 'Save to Dropbox':

Dropbox button screenshot

Clicking on this button lets you select a specific location within Dropbox to save to. Here we use the default location 'Saves', but you can select any Dropbox folder:

Dropbox button screenshot 2

The version is saved with an identifier (v0003 in the example above), and the Dropbox button changes to display a green tick to confirm this version has been successfully saved:

Dropbox button screenshot 2

If you make changes to your document, simply click the button again whenever you wish to save another version to Dropbox - this lets you sync to your offline files as often as you like, and as each save has an individual version identifier, you don't have to worry about overwriting your previous work.

Multi-language Spell Check

Language selector

The student plan now also includes a spell checker integrated into the editor. You can select the language from the settings menu, and in the editor any incorrectly spelled words will be highlighted with a red underline.

Spell check screenshot
Note: Italian language spell check is temporarily unsupported; we are working on a fix.

Feedback on both features would be appreciated as we continue to develop writeLaTeX -- please let us know what you think. Head to your My Documents dashboard to activate your free upgrade and try them out today.


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